Mental Health

Family of Ex-Football Player Who Suffered Brain Injury Plans Coast-to-Coast Bike Ride

14 May 2015

Isaac Kolstad, the former Minnesota State football who suffered a traumatic brain injury after being punched in a nightclub district, has made big strides thanks to intensive physical therapy. Now his father and brother are launching a cross-country bike tour to raise money to help others who need the same therapy.

How I Am Coping With My PTSD and My Father’s Cancer

11 May 2015

At 4 a.m. I am on the path to the local track in California. My headlamp shines through the dark, showing suspended water droplets from the valley’s fog. I pick up my pace to start my 400-meter repeats. Simon and Garfunkel’s “Sound of Silence” blares through my headphones:

Silence like a cancer grows/Hear my words that I might teach you/Take my arms that I might reach you/But my words like silent raindrops fell/And echoed in the wells of silence.

Addiction Takes a Toll On An Unlikely Friendship

06 May 2015

It’s hard to imagine a friendship with a less auspicious start than the one between Lance Rice and Nina Rossi. In 2013, Rice, now 25, was arrested for breaking into Rossi’s home while strung out on heroin. He stole her iPod and some prescription pills.

China’s Uncounted Children With Autism

03 May 2015

When her son still wasn’t speaking at 26 months old, Li Li Juanbrought him to a local hospital near their home in China’s Henan province. She was told he had mild autism.

The Worst Panic Attack Ever and What It Felt Like

29 Apr 2015

A few days ago, I had a panic attack and I can safely say it is the worst one I have ever had. Panic attacks and anxiety, in general, are nothing new. A couple times a month, I will succumb to the anxiety that builds inside me. There are also anxiety triggers that hang over my head and surprise me from time-to-time. But the room spinning, fight or flight, lose consciousness type of panic attacks I thought were long in the rearview mirror. It’s good to know, even after all these years, anxiety can still surprise me.