Mental Health

The Opposite of Shame

11 Apr 2015

It was one of those perfect spring Sundays. I had just come from hanging with two girlfriends. John sent a great video of Maya, snaking down a slide and laughing in the park. The windows were rolled down and the wind was blowing in my hair. And then the goddess threw a cherry on top: Kelly Clarkson “Since You’ve Been Gone,” one of my favorite songs to go crazy to on the dance floor in my 20s, came on the radio. I was belting it out and feeling more than fine when… CRASH.

Ex-Troops With Highest Suicide Risk Often Don’t Qualify For Mental Care

10 Apr 2015

The largest study to date of recent military and veteran suicides has identified two high-risk groups of former troops who are generally ineligible for the psychiatric care afforded to all others who served: those forced out of the military for misconduct and those who enlisted but were quickly discharged for other problems.

Veteran Commits Suicide in VA Parking Lot

04 Apr 2015

A Plum woman shot herself in the head Monday afternoon in the parking lot of the H.J. Heinz campus of the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System in Aspinwall.

Depression or PTSD Can Cause Irritability

02 Apr 2015

My husband is always irritable. He gets upset at the smallest things and takes it out on whoever is around. He’s always had a bit of a temper but it got worse after his fourth deployment. What could be causing this?

Fighting Bipolar’s Stigma

01 Apr 2015

Monday is World Bipolar Day, an annual campaign to educate people about a little-understood illness that affects almost 6 million adults in America. Marked by alternating episodes of extreme mania and deep depression, it usually only becomes part of the national conversation when someone does something deadly (a school shooting) or Hollywood makes a movie (“Silver Linings Playbook”). Witness the speculation swirling around the pilot who authorities believe crashed the Germanwings jet in the French Alps last week.

Solder Seeks Comfort of Service Dog in PTSD Recovery

31 Mar 2015

Jason Richburg has suffered for years with fears of confined spaces, large crowds, loud noises and lots of commotion, which sets off massive panic attacks. He often secludes himself away from everyone because when he has these anxiety attacks he is not rational and has a very difficult time even talking or thinking.