Mental Health

‘You’re the Worst’ just aired the best depiction of clinical depression. Ever.

13 Nov 2015

The end of Wednesday night’s episode of FXX’s “You’re the Worst” did something truly revolutionary. In a touching, emotionally honest moment, Gretchen (Aya Cash) admitted to her boyfriend Jimmy (Chris Geere) that she was clinically depressed, that it was something she was dealing with, and that he couldn’t fix her.

The nuanced tragicomedy of ‘You’re the Worst’

09 Nov 2015

Relationship sitcoms as a subgenre usually stick to a limited number of formulaic storylines—something that You’re the Worst has dodged again and again. Midway through its stellar second season on FXX, when Gretchen (Aya Cash) started sneaking out in the middle of the night without telling her live-in boyfriend Jimmy (Chris Geere) where she was going, the implication that she was cheating seemed clear.

I survived a suicide attempt

04 Nov 2015

Depression and suicide are never easy topics to discuss. In an effort to help others struggling with self-harm, four individuals openly shared their experiences surviving suicide.

Autism glass project kicks off

03 Nov 2015

Over the past year, a team of psychologists, computer scientists, doctors and students has come together for the Autism Glass Project to devise a new Google Glasses and facial recognition software to help teach autistic children basic social skills.