Mental Health

Can you catch mental illness?

17 Dec 2015

Philosophers and literary scholars can choose to interpret facts within “the most convincing perspectives, assumptions and causal frameworks,” as Harriet A. Washington explains in the opening chapter of her latest book, Infectious Madness: The Surprising Science of How We Catch Mental Illness. Hard scientists, she says, don’t have the same luxury. They’re bound by a “shared overarching theory,” a worldview that the physicist Thomas Kuhn called Weltanschauung, meaning “what members of a scientific community, and they alone, share.” Biologists couldn’t embrace evolutionary theory, for example, without abandoning creationism.

To reduce suicide, keep the guns away

16 Dec 2015

As Americans debate how the country should respond to gun violence, they should not lose sight of the biggest category of firearm deaths: suicides. About two-thirds of people killed by guns, or 20,000 a year, kill themselves.

Marine walks for fellow marines with PTSD

10 Dec 2015

Going the extra mile, or should we say going the extra few hundred miles. A veteran is walking across the country to visit the families of fallen marines, help his fellow troops deal with PTSD, and help himself deal with the same issues. FOX35’s Jackie Orozco caught up with the Marine from Maryland when he made a stop in Indian Harbor Beach in Brevard County.

Habits, addiction, ego and mental illness

05 Dec 2015

One of the biggest challenges people with mental illness face are references to being cured. The illnesses can be treated and controlled , but they do not go away. Donald Trump was right.

People who have personality disorders appear normal and accomplished, and their accomplishments can make them feel above others. They see everyone else, not themselves, as needing treatment. It is very different from having a big ego.