Mental Health

The tears they cry: women veterans and PTSD

01 Dec 2015

My friend, Marsha, is the oldest of seven and the daughter of a World War II combat veteran. Marsha’s father, like most men of his generation, spoke very little about his war experiences, and what happened in the war was never directly known by most of his children.


Patti LaBelle opens up about postpartum depression

28 Nov 2015

Patti LaBelle may be one-of-a-kind when it comes to her singing career, but this “Godmother of Soul” says she isn’t unique in terms of her experience as a mother. Like many women, LaBelle, too, struggled with postpartum depression.

After vet felled by PTSD, service dog Honor aids family now

26 Nov 2015

Part of the Labrador retriever’s training was to sense when the demons of war had invaded Wade Baker’s dreams.

“I was having a nightmare, a flashback,” Baker, a Gulf War veteran, once told an interviewer. “And I woke up with Honor standing on my chest, licking my face.”
He tried to push his service dog away, but Honor persisted.

Light therapy may help treat major depression

24 Nov 2015

For a disorder that’s one of the leading causes of disability across the globe, depression has surprisingly few lasting treatments. Light therapy has been found to be effective for people dealing with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), but for “regular” (non-seasonal) depression the results have been more mixed. But a new randomized clinical trial suggests that fluorescent light may also work for major depressive disorder – in fact, it may even be better than medication when it comes to remission from one’s symptoms. The research, especially if they’re replicated in the future, will certainly give therapists and the rest of us some food for thought.


Therapy animals

22 Nov 2015

They have been part of our families for decades, but now animals are also helping to improve our health.

Seniors in one community continue to flock to llamas brought in as therapy animals.

“It’s pretty unusual when you say you have a therapy llama. I get some pretty weird reactions,” said therapy llama owner Niki Kuklenski.

Audra Brulic on generalized anxiety disorder

21 Nov 2015

I’m a friend, daughter, student, and activist. I am also a person who lives with generalized anxiety disorder and mild depression. Out of all the ways that I define myself, my mental illness has presented the greatest struggle, but also the greatest growth, change, and self-examination.