Category Archives: Anxiety

Most Prisoners are Mentally Ill

12 Apr 2015

Occasionally policymakers and activists will talk about how the justice system needs to keep mentally ill people out of prisons. If it did that, prisons would be very empty indeed.

Tinder While I Taper

09 Apr 2015

I joined Tinder. I did not plan to date while tapering off antidepressants, benzos and sleeping pills. But nor did I plan to go through a breakup.

12 Things Only People With Anxiety Understand

08 Apr 2015

What does anxiety mean to you? Is it the low-level feeling of stress and fear, motivating you to be productive for fear of missing a deadline?

How Mental Illness Changes a Marriage

27 Mar 2015

Mark Lukach and his wife were doing what most twenty-something couples are doing a few years into a marriage: They were building their careers and planning a family. Until the night he got a glimpse into a future that would be different than the one they’d imagined.

The Upside of Anxiety

11 Mar 2015

Immanuel Kant, the 18th-century German metaphysician, believed serenity to be the hallmark characteristic of virtue. A “tranquil mind,” he wrote, is the sign of a virtuous person who has brought “all his capacities and inclinations under his control.” Kant saw morality as action undertaken for the sake of duty, independent of one’s earthly desires: if you are in control of yourself, you will be calm, unperturbed by passion, and radiating peace. If he were alive today, Kant might add: “Om.”

Shattering the mental illness stigma

04 Mar 2015

‘I’m sorry, but the doctor isn’t taking new patients right now.” It took me a moment to grasp what the receptionist was telling me. After hours of internet research, innumerable phone calls, and frustrating discussions with some well-meaning but distant professionals, the psychiatrist we had identified as a good fit for Chiara wouldn’t be able to help us.