Category Archives: Anxiety

7 myths about anxiety disorder

22 Sep 2015

If you’re dealing with any mental health problems, you’ll likely encounter plenty of sympathetic and understanding people who will be eager to offer support in any way they can. Unfortunately, there may be a few people in your life who let their misconceptions about mental health cloud their beliefs and behavior. Anxiety disorder is no exception to this rule. Despite the fact that anxiety affects 18 percent of American adults and it can seriously affect someone’s quality of life if it goes untreated, it’s still sometimes dismissed as nothing more than a person’s penchant for being overly dramatic or a refusal to act “mature” or “social.”

In the age of loneliness, connections at work matter

20 Sep 2015

Loneliness is a feeling we’d all like to avoid. Research shows it’s terrible for our health; it diminishes cognitive performance and the immune system, increases the risk of heart disease and dementia and hastens early death. And the psychological effects are just as bad; studies show that people need strong social connections to feel happy and find meaning in their lives, and that many of us would actually rather receive mild electroshocks than be alone.

The silly side of my anxiety disorder

19 Sep 2015

Everyone once in a while, a certain body part of mine twitches. It happens at random and effects whatever body part my brain decides on that day. It hits me without warning and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. But in the grand scheme of me dealing with my disorder for the past 20 years, I welcome it.

Mental health program pilots a therapeutic vegetable garden

17 Sep 2015

For years, there was an apartment building across the street from Community-University Health Care Center (CUHCC), a nearly 50-year-old University of Minnesota-run clinic based in Minneapolis’ Phillips neighborhood. About a year ago, the university bought the apartment building and tore it down, planning to one day turn the space into a clinic parking lot. But the lot didn’t appear overnight, and Melissa Flores Fioravanti, program manager for CUHCC’s Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services (ARMHS), started to imagine the space that remained as more than a place to put cars.


Stress’s ill-effect on mental illness

12 Sep 2015

Ki Ann Goosens, an assistant professor of brain and cognitive sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, used to rail against the scientists who weren’t producing enough useful information about schizophrenia. Her brother suffers from the brain disorder, and she couldn’t understand why researchers hadn’t made more progress against it.

From hellish cycles to stability: a mental health story

12 Sep 2015

St. Cloud resident Marsha Hagfors can quote a frightening statistic: From 2005 to 2012, she had 38 inpatient treatments for her mental health.

Raising awareness on world suicide prevention day

11 Sep 2015

People across the globe will observe World Suicide Prevention Day on Sept. 10 to raise awareness about and reach out to those affected by suicide.


Bipolar disorder is like having two serious illnesses at once

07 Sep 2015

We’re eight weeks into our Big Thinkers on Mental Health series, which is just enough time to begin thinking retrospectively. We launched this string of videos in conjunction with the Mental Health Channel with the goal of opening discussion of anxiety, depression, and the many other psychological disorders that affect millions worldwide. So far we’ve touched on several big picture issues such as the escalation of suicide rates and mental health in the black community. What’s arguably been most successful has been the weekly acute focus on issues and disorders that are familiar to the public though not entirely understood.