Category Archives: Wellness

One Step at a Time

15 May 2013

Four days after he turned 18, in May 2002, Jonathan Zagami enlisted in the Army Reserves and shipped out with the first ground forces that invaded Iraq. A combat engineer, he cleared minefields, did demolition work, and built camps and guard towers for the soldiers.

PTSD is a Cruel, Overlooked Reality for Many Veterans

14 May 2013

As of 2011, there were approximately 21.5 million veterans in the United States. However, many of them live every day with severe effects from their time at war. Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a paralyzing illness caused by shocking and disturbing events, such as the death of a fellow soldier or the witnessing of a terrorist attack.

Bipolar, Depression the Focus of Innovation

11 May 2013

Seldom does a person suffering from severe mental illness find relief right away. More likely it involves a protracted journey through medication and psychotherapy, or such treatments as transcranial magnetic stimulation or electroconvulsive therapy.

New App Aims to Help Veterans Cope With PTSD

10 May 2013

A new mobile app will help Canadian veterans and others cope with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) the federal government announced Monday.

Perceptions About PTSD Hinder Veteran’s Job Hunt

08 May 2013

President Obama and Michelle Obama are pushing companies to hire more U.S. military veterans. They said Tuesday that, through a program called Joining Forces, employers have hired or trained 290,000 veterans since August 2011. Through short stories and photos, Yahoo News asked veterans whether they’ve found work since the start of the 2007 recession or, if not, how their job hunt is going.