Category Archives: Resiliency

Good news on addiction?

18 Dec 2015

Can there possibly be good news on the opioid epidemic?

I think so.

On Dec. 11, at the University of Toledo’s Scott Park campus, Toledo might have turned the corner in the fight against opioid addiction.

Can you catch mental illness?

17 Dec 2015

Philosophers and literary scholars can choose to interpret facts within “the most convincing perspectives, assumptions and causal frameworks,” as Harriet A. Washington explains in the opening chapter of her latest book, Infectious Madness: The Surprising Science of How We Catch Mental Illness. Hard scientists, she says, don’t have the same luxury. They’re bound by a “shared overarching theory,” a worldview that the physicist Thomas Kuhn called Weltanschauung, meaning “what members of a scientific community, and they alone, share.” Biologists couldn’t embrace evolutionary theory, for example, without abandoning creationism.

To reduce suicide, keep the guns away

16 Dec 2015

As Americans debate how the country should respond to gun violence, they should not lose sight of the biggest category of firearm deaths: suicides. About two-thirds of people killed by guns, or 20,000 a year, kill themselves.

Miniature horse awarded certification in pet therapy

15 Dec 2015

Most folks probably think of dogs as therapy pets when the subject comes up. However, Duncan, a miniature horse, has passed his test and is now officially a therapy pet, too. He made an appearance at the recent New Jersey Family Pet Show.

9 practical ways to beat anxiety

14 Dec 2015

Adele and Abraham Lincoln are two people who suffered from anxiety disorders.

Expelled Yale student joins push for more mental health care

12 Dec 2015

A business student from China who said a bout with depression led to his expulsion for academic reasons has become the face of a labor-driven push for better mental health care at Yale University.

Marine walks for fellow marines with PTSD

10 Dec 2015

Going the extra mile, or should we say going the extra few hundred miles. A veteran is walking across the country to visit the families of fallen marines, help his fellow troops deal with PTSD, and help himself deal with the same issues. FOX35’s Jackie Orozco caught up with the Marine from Maryland when he made a stop in Indian Harbor Beach in Brevard County.

Emotional wellness: battling the winter blues

09 Dec 2015

Much like the seasons, we are constantly experiencing changes in our lives. Sometimes these changes can weigh a heavy toll on us, affecting ouremotional wellness. This dimension of wellness involves the awareness, understanding, and acceptance of our feelings as they come and go.