Scientists Confirm Cooking and Baking Can Help With Depression

According to a new study published in an article in the Smithsonian, some culinary creativity each day can go a long way towards happiness and satisfaction.

The researchers followed 658 people for about two weeks, and found that doing small, everyday things like cooking and baking made the group feel more enthusiastic about their pursuits the next day.

This isn’t the first time researchers have drawn a line connecting making food with positive feelings. In recent years, psychologists have started spending more time exploring cooking and baking as a therapeutic tool to help people dealing with such mental health conditions as depression and anxiety.

Baking may not be a be-all-end-all cure for mental illness, but anyone in need of lifted spirits should consider pulling out the flour and warming up the oven.

Read the full article here.

Adam Wahlberg

Founder of Think Piece Publishing

