Category Archives: Grief

Veteran with PTSD finds service dog stolen in September

10 Sep 2015

A California Marine veteran whose service dog was stolen from her San Diego-area home in December has found her beloved pooch, thousands of miles away in a small Texas town.

Dogs are the best therapy

02 Sep 2015

Those who know me know I struggle with depression and bipolar disorder.

Young Adult Grief Support Group to Start

08 Jul 2015

Mourning Hope Grief Center will offer a four-week grief support program for young adults ages 18 to 30-something.

Kendrick Lamar Opens Up About Depression

05 Jul 2015

Coming clean. Kendrick Lamar opened up about his struggles with depression and suicidal thoughts in a new interview with MTV.

Understanding grief

27 Jun 2015

Counselor Jan Lighthill from the Gateway Center of Human Services speaks about the process of grief and how everyone grieves differently. Members of local bereavement support groups share their experiences and advice.

Suicide Rate of Female Military Veterans is Called Staggering

09 Jun 2015

New government research shows that female military veterans commit suicide at nearly six times the rate of other women, a startling finding that experts say poses disturbing questions about the backgrounds and experiences of women who serve in the armed forces.

How Adam Levy Channels His Grief Through Music

08 Jun 2015

At a coffee shop in northeast Minneapolis, a short walk from his home, Adam Levy turns over his left forearm to show the spider tattoo that his son Daniel designed. It’s from the day he and Daniel got tattoos together, a father-son outing that left him with this souvenir.

Young Widows Speak Out About Managing Grief

02 Jun 2015

Nine days after her husband died unexpectedly, Sheryl Sandberg took to Facebook to describe her return to the sidelines for her daughter’s soccer game. There, a grandmother who had been widowed prematurely years earlier offered her a chair.

Harvard Neuroscientist: Meditation Not Only Reduces Stress, It Changes Your Brain

30 May 2015

Sara Lazar, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, was one of the first scientists to take the anecdotal claims about the benefits of meditation and mindfulness and test them in brain scans. What she found surprised her — that meditating can literally change your brain.