Category Archives: Bipolar Disorder

Abornamlities Found in Brains of Young People Patients Who Try Suicide

27 Dec 2014

Researchers conducted brain scans on 68 participants, aged 14 to 25, with bipolar disorder, a mental illness that causes extreme emotional highs and lows. Of those patients, 26 had attempted suicide. Brain scans were also done on a control group of 45 teens and young adults without bipolar disorder.

How Smartphone Apps Can Treat Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia

13 Dec 2014

Bryan Timlin always carries an iPhone and an Android phone. The 57-year-old is an app and graphic designer with a Michigan company called OptHub, but he doesn’t carry two phones for work. He carries the iPhone because that’s what he likes, and he carries the Android because it’s what he needs.