Category Archives: Addiction

Shame Separates Addiction, Other Diseases

01 Mar 2015

Charlotte Wethington, a recovery advocate for Transitions Inc., is also the initiator of The Matthew Casey Wethington Act for Substance Abuse Intervention, named for her son, Casey, who died of a heroin overdose at age 23.

Tanya Plibersek On Her Brother’s Death and Husband’s Drug Addiction

21 Feb 2015

Labor foreign affairs spokeswoman Tanya Plibersek spoke of her brother’s death and her husband’s drug addiction in parliament on Thursday as she explained her “particular view on remorse and regret.”

Study Pinpoints Part of Brain That Triggers Addiction

14 Jan 2015

A recently published study names the brain’s cell mass in the temporal lobe as the area responsible for triggering an addictive, intense desire for sweet foods, according to the piece that appears this month in the Journal of Neuroscience.

The Chemistry of Addiction

05 Jan 2015

You’ve probably heard of dopamine, the chemical that gets released in our brains when we perform high-reward activities like eating, having sex and listening to music.

Those Struggling With Addiction Often Seek Help During Holidays

28 Dec 2014

For those struggling with addiction, the call for help can often be hard to make. But if they do, experts are ready to help, even on Christmas Day.

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Doctors Reluctant to Use Heroin Addiction Medication

27 Dec 2014

Even though it is famous for the “Minnesota Model” of treating addictions through abstinence and support, Minnesota has been slow, some doctors say, to embrace a drug that can help people hooked on heroin.

Families Dealing With Mental Illness Need Support, Too

22 Dec 2014

When my wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, we ate well. Mary Beth and I had both read the terrifying pathology report of a tumor the size of an olive. The surgical digging for lymph nodes was followed by months of radiation. We ate very well.