Author Archives: Adam Wahlberg

About Adam Wahlberg

Founder of Think Piece Publishing

Think Piece Publishing Featured in MinnPost

21 Jan 2013

Honored to be featured in MinnPost this morning in a story written by John Reinan. Humbled. But to paraphrase Al Jolson, “We ain’t done nothing yet.” So stay tuned. Gonna do our best to live up to our aspirations.

The Think Piece Interview: Dianne Schwartz

21 Jan 2013

In 2000, Dianne Schwartz wrote one of the most terrifying books ever published: Whose Face Is in the Mirror? It documents her marriage to a violent, controlling husband who beat her horribly, nearly killing her several times. It’s an upsetting … Continue reading

The Think Piece Interview: Ron Glasser

15 Jan 2013

In 1971, Minneapolis physician Ron Glasser shook the literary world and the foreign policy establishment with his groundbreaking work, 365 Days, which documented his time as a physician during the Vietnam war. He interviewed soldiers as he treated them, wrote … Continue reading